*Occasionally social!
This person coordinates monthly restaurant fundraisers. Area restaurants agree to host a fundraiser day or night and gift the Boosters a portion of that day or evening's profits.
This position involves contacting area restaurants, setting a date and time, securing the fundraiser flyers and helping to advertise the event.
This is perfect for those who have a limited or unpredictable schedule. The time commitment varies from 2-3 hours a month.
*Not very social!
This person works with the Photographer and Booster Secretary to help maintain and update the FSK IMB Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Duties include creating content, advertising/sharing fundraiser information and informing the public of events such as booster meetings, marching band competitions and results, winter and spring concerts and more.
The time commitment varies depending on the time of year; fall is the busiest, posting at least 3x a week. Perfect for those who are comfortable with technology and social media but not comfortable with being "social".
*Like or Love to be social!
Do you have a knack for capturing perfect photos? The IMB Photographer takes photos and videos at rehearsals, football games, concerts, competitions, fundraisers, social events and more. We are looking for two people to share this position!
Outside of capturing photos and videos, the photographer is responsible for uploading all media to the appropriate IMB Google Photo albums, as well as coordinating with the Social Media Manager and Booster Secretary, who maintains
The fall is the busiest time for this position (marching band season) followed by other events that are scattered throughout the year.
*Somewhat, Like, or Love to be social!
This team of volunteers helps the band at every game and competition. They help with building/assembling props, loading/unloading the trailer, moving equipment on and off the field, and whatever else the staff may need.
A perk of this "job" is free admission to events and a front row seat to see your favorite band student perform!
Students can earn service hours just by helping with props as well!
This group is most active during the fall marching season (football games, competitions, and parades) and one or two parades in the spring. Women and men of all ages and strength are welcome to join! Some things do require strength but a lot of things just require pushing around.
*Somewhat, Like, or Love to be social!
Do you have a knack for campaigning for funds? Interested in learning more about how the FSK IMB financially supports the Band and Guard? We always need help with planning our annual bingo event and other occasional fundraisers. Join our Fundraising Committee to be a part of the fun!
*All social levels!
The volunteer roles listed here are just a sample of the big jobs we need to do to keep our music program alive. We also need volunteers to run 50/50 raffles at football games, run concessions at winter and spring concerts, help decorate for the annual band banquet and more!
If you'd like to help at football games, please click the "Click Me! Volunteers Needed!" animation at the top of this page. If you're interested in helping with anything else, or have questions, please click the button below!